dimanche 29 décembre 2013

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures


Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Altiboy "Tepui" is a collection of strange-looking mountains, flat-topped located in the heights of Guyana in South America, Venezuela, and the people they call "Beamon" living in the Gran Sabana on Tbioy "Tepui" which means "House of the Gods" because of the high.

"Tepui" Tiboy are mountains separate from each other, were found on each mount them on different types of plants and animals, a high mountains of the surrounding forests omitted and has its own form unique which is in the form of a table, rising as much as 1,000 meters between the surrounding forest omitted, there is another high mountains Altiboy is 3,000 meters and is the highest peak in the mountains of Altiboy, making it difficult to access them, walking on foot, while there or three mountains of the Gran Sabana can be accessed on foot, including Mount Roraima is less than the high mountains Altiboy An estimated 2,180 meters.

"Tepui" Tiboy is what remains of a large plateau of the burrow of sandstone covered ground omitted from the northern border of the basin of the Amazon and Orinoco, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Rio Negro, and over millions of years eroded hills and formations Mountains Tiboy "Tepui" which her ​​head flat, but it seems that Altiboy completely barren mountains but teeming with life inside because it is full of flora and fauna unique.

High altitude "tepui" for Tiboy makes her different climate for climate surrounding forest omitted, and the climate at the top colder with rain on a permanent basis, while the forest have a tropical climate is warm and humid, have adapted some of the plants unique to this environment, different and formed many types Altiboy them on the mountains.

Have been recorded 9,400 species of plants in the Venezuelan Guayana, and 2322 of them kind of unique plants that grow on the mountains Altiboy "Tepui", nearly one-third of these species grow anywhere in the world.

There are 115 mountain like mountains Altiboy "Tepui" or as they are called mountains of the table in the Gran Sabana in southeastern Venezuela, where it was found on the highest peak of the mountain Altiboy "Tepui", but the most famous of whom Mount Roraima, was discovered in 1884 , today is more places destination of travelers and is home to the Falls small, and there are omitted ponds lining quartz, a mineral commonly exist in nature, and Mount Roraima is the point where the tripartite border of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, and is said to be Roraima inspired Scottish writer Arthur Conan Doyle that writes about his novel The Lost World.

Willie Mount Roraima in fame is a mountain "Auyantepui", which is located by the Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world.
The Mount "Auyantepui" larger than Mount Altiboy "Tepui" an area of ​​700 km.

Here are some pictures from the mountains of the table:

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

Mountains table or Altiboy "Tepui" in Venezuela Pictures

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